Thinking about volunteering? All you need is a willingness to help, a little time to share and a desire to challenge yourself. Your gift of time and energy would be invaluable to any of our programs. The volunteer opportunities that are currently available with ACCESS include:

- ACCESS After School Program, Harrow and Kingsville
- Volunteer with elementary school aged children
- You can call 519-738-4050 or
- You can email the group at
- ACCESS KEYS (Kingsville Early Years Step to Learning)
- Volunteer with babies, toddlers, and parents
- You can call 519-733-8983 ext. 31
- You can email the group at
- ACCESS Nutrition – Community Garden
- Volunteer with our Community Gardens
- You can call 519-733-8983 ext. 26
- You can email the group at
- Special Events such as the Polar Bear Dip
- We continue to reach out to the community through special events and these events needs volunteers just like you!
- You email the group at
Visit the Windsor Essex United Way Volunteer website for ACCESS opportunities.